This site would not be in existence without the feedback of some dedicated KIPP enthusiasts.
James Kuiper, artist, professor and long-time friend of KIPP who organized the '79 exhibition of KIPP's work at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI. for providing anecdotes and material to begin the collection of the work.
Patron Shirley Piku who owned Blue Smoke for many years and her many contacts.
Former KIPP students, Scott Pfaffman, Gary Kulack and Marie Ringwald for providing carrots.
Collector Beau Ott and his family for keeping KIPP's flame alive.
Aurora, Colorado's Public Art Program Manager, Deana Miller, who unexpectedly received Alto and was curious enough to dig a little deeper.
Sheena 2.0™ and Hanneorla from Flickr who made me aware that others were paying attention to this work.
The Smithsonian for digitizing the Betty Parsons Collection and the KIPP folders. It sheds light on the early years.